Friday, March 20, 2009

got up so early @ 5.30am...

then met jia yi, ivy and ellias @ cementi.
later we were told to wait for arthur again at outum park...
i was tired to wait, man.

i said to ivy jokingly,"last train and no more! we leave first without arthur,ok?"

ivy was like...begging me to wait for her "son" just for a while.

one train had gone and we left without him to another station to transfer the train to hougang.
but somehow, arthur caught up wif us when we were on the way to another station.
super fast liao!

there we met our OLD FRIENDS!!!
especially my SAC HI friends!

then we had arrvied at one of sec sch.
i dunno wat was the name of that sch.

we HI divide into six teams.
man, i joined team 1 wif huifurn and.....jack...!

when the lady announced my name and too said that i had to join team 1,
i thought i may hear WRONGLY.

"maybe wrong... maybe WRONG! and i dun wanna team wif jack", i kept murmuring.

but in the end...
the lady repeated, pointing at me so hard and said," u go and JOIN tis ONE!!!"
and huifurn laughed at me...

it dun matter to me and i only focused on winning the first prize!

1st stage-telematch

when the leader of telematch said abt skipping wif rope for 20 times
and turning around wif ur head on the stick for 10 times,
i disagreed wif their rule of that game.

so i told them to cut down the numbers...
i said that the number of skipping wif the rope would be 10 times and turning would be 5 times
but the leader disagreed too.

and stupid jack interrupted me," aiyo! turning around 10 times is ok wad."

i was like quite angry and told him back," 10 times is too much and sure get dizzy easily liao. u think wad?"
we almost argued and the leader stopped us.

and in the end, the number of skipping would be 15 times as well as turning around for 5 times.

we won 100pts in telematch game and moved to the next stage.

2nd stage- sponge ball

it was not bad.

that time when i was goalkeeper and i had to catch the sponge...
but when i failed to catch it, jack looked at me wif his hand up on me without saying.

i noe that he was trying to tell me," why do u cannot catch it properly?"

i felt like...hmm...i cant describe it.

i was more like angry.
actually i alr did my best!

now, i understood how ivy felt when i yelled at ivy during captain's ball competition last time.

we won and got 100pts!
then we played again as a friendly match but no point required
cos we got a lot of spared time.

3rd stage-floorball

it was very tiring!
i only goaled only one...
cos i never play tat game before.

it was a lucky shot!
but i felt very embarrassed cos i played anyhow like crazy.

yay, we won again in 4-0!
those 3 goals belonged to jack.
seem he played good.
and huifurn as a goalkeeper was good at blocking.

stage 4- captain ball

my favourite sport!

we won 100pts again by 19-8!!!

during that time, i was beat!
cos challenging wif boys was much tougher than challenging wif girls...

it was no fair!
i had kept complaining abt him...
well, i cant help lar.

wateva i missed catching the ball or threw at wrong time or moved to the wrong directions,
jack "scolded" me quite many times and even blamed me liao...

he never scolded huifurn, man!

he kept scolding me," go tis way and that way!", "not like that one!", "geez!", "u must like that one and must follow that way" and blah blah!!!

i got a terrible headache frm listening to his harsh command...
and even my left foot and right hand had alr injured!!
i pretended acting that i was fine.

that time i really wanna SHOUT BACK at him," SHADDUP!!!"
but i cannot...

cos IF i argued or fought wif him in the mid of match, we MIGHT lose the match due to lack of TEAMWORK like doing by urself instead of passing to ur teammates.
so it was like i had no choice...

and rachel said that he had high expectation of me...

man, i was dying!
sorry, i complained too much...

5th stage- crossing game

it was ok lar.

last stage- dog and bone

i was good at scratching bone before my opponent at one go!

and we also played again for fun!
