Sunday, April 5, 2009

after church...
we went to help dr keng to collect lunch for everyone.

ivy came late...
and she missed church, only came for SF.

then when it was lunch time after SF...
ivy and i fought over that sushi!!!!!

our favourite sushi is raw salmon wif mayonnaise!
thanks to ginny for giving me another THAT sushi!


after that we played in SMU indoor.


anthony moved soooo SUPER fast, man
he totally amused everyone including me!

totally fun!

ah, it was over
and we went out to haf dinner.

we even talked a lot of jokes!


and my body was ached all over...

but to be honest...
i am sick of those who had complained abt that issues...

good luck for this sat for captain ball COMPETITION!!!!

same for me!!!
wish me good luck as well as my TEAM!
(wanna win gold)

seem tis week and next week will be my BUSIEST times!!!!!
really no time to celebrate my BDAY!!!!
why is my bday so UNLUCKY!!!?
it always occurs on the first day of camp and too during EXAM period for the last 4 years!
busy month- APRIL!
-go church twice...
-1 week RP camp...
-and my incomplete "job" for those *ppl*....