Friday, May 22, 2009


long time no blog!

so tired
last night, i slept at around 2am...
i slept for only 4 hrs!
i haf to study for UTs!

and yesterday was damn hilarious!
all cos steven!

he borrowed my laptop to play 3-D video game- Left 4 Dead...
he killed his own teammates cos he wanna kill all the zombies ALL BY HIMSELF!

and in the end, he lost and the game was over, starting all over again; the character he chose was dead, attacking by hundreds zombies...
lame leh!
he cant do that all by himself...
he said so!
i told him better need teammates yet he dun care lor.

*evil laugh*
serve him right!

and he used sth that hmm...
sth like electric shock object..
like when u shake someone on the hand, u get electric shock.
ah, all his friends i met really SCARED of him...

but steven did sth sooo SILLY!
he tried himself and said,
"no have! i think no battery."
but in the end, he got himself electric shock 2 times when testing it.

ah, today
i had joined Manga Department!

yup, do blog next time~