Saturday, August 8, 2009

WHAT A JOKE!!!!?????

i am soooo DAMN UNLUCKY today!!!!

i got a sprained ankle during badminton training!!!


where is my LADY LUCK!?
my right ankle sprained~
oh, shit

i had sprained my right ankle 3 TIMES!
sprained my left ankle 2 TIMES!

are both of my ankles VERY POPULAR FOR BEING UNLUCKY????

it happened when....

my badminton challenge wif Rebecca and Joeeng last yr...

during SAC times;
captain ball match: a bitch kicks my ankle for revenge... (T.T)
heavy raining: SLIP! stupid wet floor
tennis training: coach yelled, "FASTER! YOU DAMN SLOW! RUN FASTER!!!!!"


badminton match wif my senior(male): need FAST respond to hit the shuttle back against him instead of being slow like a turtle or blur octopus... (T.T)
i am no match for a boy like him~


what i haf done?
i never do any EVIL deeds recently!