Get our papers tearing into pieces by our fierce teachers for doing such nonsense answers as well as compositions...
Get beating on our butts, hands and pulling our ears by our fierce teachers for not giving to our parents to sign on our tests which we scored BADLY...
Cannot run away from our fierce teachers' saliva which was spattered on our faces when they yelled at us for not listening during the lesson...
Play hide-and-seek, 'monster' game, scissor-paper-stone and many more during recess...
Fight over who was the smartest...
Bet on each other over who got the correct answers...
Quarrel over the smallest things...
Cheat during the tests...
Jealous upon hearing our teachers praising someone who was far better than us...
Play UNO together during lunch...
Play like wild kids during CAMP...
Talk and play secretly when our teachers were sleeping during CAMP...
Cheat some of the games during CAMP...
Help each other on the weakest subjects we had...
Stay back to haf extra lessons till late for preparing the coming of our examinations...
For the past 11 years to the past four years...
I had studied there frm kindergarten to primary 6.
I had remembered that I passed my PSLE to go express in secondary school.
I had missed some of my old friends who went to different secondary schools...
I can meet them by keeping touch through email, msn and SMS...
But STILL I miss them!
Some of my old friends went together wif me to the same secondary school.
However, the life in secondary school was much different from primary school.
The new life had begun in my SAC secondary school.
Learn and explore many new things over there!
I had spent studying in my secondary school for four years.
Now, my O level is over and I am waiting for my result...
Sure I miss my times I had spent wif my classmates as well as my old friends in secondary school after I leave to ploy!
My memories in my secondary days were awesome but some could be painful!
Of course, kids like me are no longer kids but teenagers as well as young adults NOW!
Ah, Rachel was surprised to see me changing a lot cos my hair was dyed!
We then went to airport to see Ivy and her sis off.

We met Ginny there. She was surprised too upon seeing me.
We met her and we ate together wif Diyana and Chan Ying.
There she left wif her sis and her elder bro, Steven watching his siblings entering the departure gate.
It was late but they still managed to catch the flight.
Oh yes, I forgot... I should say...
"Bon Voyage"
on Hau En's behalf.
While we were shopping after seeing Ivy off, Ivy talked to us through the video call!
She said that she did miss us!

Then we went to Orchard.
We got a lot of fun to talk as well as play IQ games on the train.

There we went to play at arcade.
I lost to Diyana through the video game; Tekkan 3 but... still I won over her in King of Fighter.
As long as it was a fair game!

They were CHEATED BUGS!!!!!!
No FAIR liaoooo!!!!
When all of five of us-Chan Ying, Diyana, Rachel, Steven and me started to play car race, I was supposed to be the first to go, the FASTEST of ALL!
BUT I was slammed like a pancake by those four cheated bugs!
I was like...
"Hey! Why do u guys hit my car like tat?! U did that on purpose?!"
They were like... laughing at me!!!!
Wat the..!
And they said," Oh really? I dunno. I anyhow drive."
Sound like an excuse!
Halfway through the race, I was the last.
So angry leh!
I kept driving on the last round at the fullest speed and there I managed to overtake Chan Ying and Diyana.
Phew! the first place, I sure would be the first in the race!
1st- Steven
2nd- Rachel
3rd- Me lor!
4th- Chan Ying
5th- Diyana
There we played another games...
Diyana won over Steven through Rap Music...

I won over Diyana and Steven through that game...I dun noe wat it was called. Sorry.

Steven won over Diyana and Chan Ying by getting more points through the action game- House of Dead II
Steven won over Diyana and me through action game...I dunno wat it was called. Sorree! That game was for only 3 players and had three big buttons each. When u played, u had to press both buttons to make things go faster, according to the colours or wateva.
1st- Steven
2nd- Me lor!
3rd- Diyana
Cant u see! heh! Chan Ying, Diyana and I planned this to bring those together! =X
Haha! Jux for fun lar!

After that, we went to another mall to the bookshop to buy book- TWLIGHT for Hau En as her bday present.

We together sat on the floor, reading the book of fortunate and also that book which was sth like u believed in good or bad lucks that befell on u on wat dates and many more.
After that, Chan Ying and Diyana stayed there for dinner while the rest of us went home.
That time when we walked to MRT station, Rachel and I almost argued and fought wif Steven over his "disappearance" matter!
Steven said," I was waiting for u both outside the washroom for so long as I thought u guys might in the washroom. Then I received the msg to meet u at MRT."
But we told him," We saw u get out of washroom and followed us...but when we almost reached MRT, we turned to check on u and u diappeared!"
Steven said that he was not following us.
Let me make it clear!
Steven said: 1st- point at the sign,' MRT' which was ahead of us.
2nd- went to washroom which was near to the entrance of the mall.
3rd- waiting for us to get out of washroom.
Rachel and me: 1st- saw him go to washroom which was far from the entrance of the mall.
2nd- saw him get out of washroom and follow us from behind.
3rd- he point at the sign,' MRT' which was ahead of us.
4th- he disappeared when we went out of the entrance of the mall.
Very weird!
As if we saw another Steven?!
He said that he was not going to washroom twice, only once!
Wat went wrong?
He could tell the difference frm the last time he saw me.
He stared at me and then my legs...
And there he said to me, "Hey. Ur legs are so fat."
Wat the F@#K!!!!
I replied him in cool way," Nvm. I can exercise more to silm down..."
Of course, I must keep my cool in front of him or elsa I might ... oh, I cant tell u!