debuted: 14 & 15 november
u ever know that i become too lazy to blog lately!
i just simply post up the photos step by step...
from morning to night...
first day to last day....
all of us gather tgt
steven, joeeng, yewkim and airin... all waited for me... :P
thanks to them for not leaving me behind!
but they blamed me cos i was the one who caused them to be late for the alpha meeting...
who cares hor
meeting starting soon after small breakfast....
nice toliet with FEMALE LOGO made out of "diamonds"!
i prefer a luxury one.
nah, of course u know me well that i love living in ______ city and ______ life...
still, i understand how tough being poor is... ya... but hard to explain here...
my roommate is LYNETTE!
then i went inside that nice room after meeting and lunch @ lobby...
but u see bathroom sooo revealed... can see someone bathing inside and also shitting there...
luckily, got curtain!
nice bed...make me feel wanna sleep for LIFE! hoho!
rest straight away...
after resting for a while, we all gather again for our own meeting about going out to swim! cool!
yewkim and i were pondering over for sooo long whether we wanna join to play or not...
and finally, we joined...played for only less than 20min!
after swimming.... went out to have DINNER! woooohoooo!
after dinner, another meeting...
and then after meeting, my team went to my room to practice our drama for the next day...
think for so long abt wad is holy spirit and etc till 1 or 2am plus....
think of good scenes...
and all thanks to steven made too much jokes that distracted them and also all thanks to lazy yanyu for leaving too many task on me....!
in the end, we copied the acts frm one of the movies...
on the last day...
meeting and drama time...
during drama time, other teams beside my team were so pro siex that can make ppl laugh especially wan qi and her sis!
then..................... go home~
lynette's team!
but two ppl are missing...
u ever know that i become too lazy to blog lately!
i just simply post up the photos step by step...
from morning to night...
first day to last day....

all of us gather tgt
steven, joeeng, yewkim and airin... all waited for me... :P
thanks to them for not leaving me behind!
but they blamed me cos i was the one who caused them to be late for the alpha meeting...
who cares hor

meeting starting soon after small breakfast....

nice toliet with FEMALE LOGO made out of "diamonds"!
i prefer a luxury one.
nah, of course u know me well that i love living in ______ city and ______ life...
still, i understand how tough being poor is... ya... but hard to explain here...
my roommate is LYNETTE!
then i went inside that nice room after meeting and lunch @ lobby...
but u see bathroom sooo revealed... can see someone bathing inside and also shitting there...
luckily, got curtain!
nice bed...make me feel wanna sleep for LIFE! hoho!
rest straight away...

after resting for a while, we all gather again for our own meeting about going out to swim! cool!
yewkim and i were pondering over for sooo long whether we wanna join to play or not...
and finally, we joined...played for only less than 20min!


after swimming.... went out to have DINNER! woooohoooo!
after dinner, another meeting...
and then after meeting, my team went to my room to practice our drama for the next day...
think for so long abt wad is holy spirit and etc till 1 or 2am plus....
think of good scenes...
and all thanks to steven made too much jokes that distracted them and also all thanks to lazy yanyu for leaving too many task on me....!
in the end, we copied the acts frm one of the movies...

on the last day...
meeting and drama time...
during drama time, other teams beside my team were so pro siex that can make ppl laugh especially wan qi and her sis!
then..................... go home~

lynette's team!
but two ppl are missing...