Saturday, February 21, 2009



I passed my NAFA tests!
and i was accepted to NAFA!!!

so happy!
yes!!! YES!!!

*just now, i receive the letter*

but i am still worried abt hau en...

ah yes, we took the same test and even she sat beside me, taking nafa tests.
same for wei lie but in different campus.

i never see hau en online in msn much, man.

somehow, sth pops out in my mind.
i dun noe whether i wanna go nafa or republic poly…
i dunno wat to do...
oh god, which one of paths should i choose???
nafa or republic???
help me, jesus!

i LOVE art so i should go to NAFA…
but i also LOVE IT (got animation in 3rd year) and even work on computer so i should go to republic poly…


gonna discuss wif my parents!