Saturday, February 7, 2009


i had not prepared sth yet!
so did joe eng!
we did miss out one of the games but anthony said that it was ok…
our plan was so CLOSE to failure but still managed to make the guests enjoying the event.
all thanks to anthony, vanessa and pauline for helping us!

oh my…!
yesterday was the last day to prepare for CNY party!
still thinking of unfinished games and decoration!
i felt like we did it at last minute!

still panic!
furthermore, we r stressed and felt that we haf no confident to make ppl happy on CNY party…

anyway, thanks to anthony for treating joe eng and me dinner!

for the last 3 days to yesterday,
all we did was to rush there to there and carry tis and that everywhere.
plus, the items we were supposed to buy were so heavy and so big!
very tired!

anthony told us to calm down
but how can we suppose to be calm down?
we were worried tat the guests may be unsatisfied and also there had something that was uncompleted!

we had always hoped that event would work out well.

i had to get up so early and went to mhi dic to continue on the decoration and games preparation.
i was tired and too sleepy…
that time, i tried to bear wif it no matter wat!

i miss everyone, my old friends!
glad to see u guys come for CNY party!

when I first met wei lie, i was speechless.
but he is wei lie after all.
he changed his hair style as well as his appearance.
like frm pretty boy into cool and pranky boy.
but his attitudes still are the same!

i noe mandarin orange treasure was fun but too bad that the space was too small for many ppl to watch and support their own teams.
my apologies!

see leon and james challenged each other.
totally funny especially james!
all he tried his best to dance in robot style but somehow he did sth make leon look like a fool.
and everyone laughed!
my god!

when it was the next person’s turn to dance in hot/sexy style, i was FREAKING shocked!
Totally freakin’ SHOCKED, alright!
i just pretended to laugh…
u noe who, rite?
i cant hold much longer and kept staring at her…
same for joe eng, looking at me as if she wanna tell me sth abt her.
oh my gosh!

for ivy, rafiqah, lakk and some of boys and girls, their dance styles were not bad…
i noe that some of them were shy!

i planned tat game so as to make ppl to feel comfortable slowly and too become stronger and braver slowly when standing in the centre of many ppl.
even though my idea of that game was bad, it was alright as i can try to choose the better idea of tat game for the next party!

hey, ivy!
do tell me early abt the best idea of that game!
so ppl will not get bored easily, alright.

there was prize-giving after dance picking.

so sorry, my SAC friends…
u cant get the first prize, only get second prize or third prize…
i am so sorry…
try ur best to get the first prize next party, ok?

1st prize-grpE
2nd prize-grpD
3rd prize-grpA
4th and 5th prize-grpB & grpC

wat a pity tat jia yi miss that fun…
hope u dun miss the fun next time, alrite (:

after cleaning up in the party and having a talk wif anthony, i went to meet my friends to play arcade.
super fun but tired!
i kept working for half a day (12 hours non-stop)!
reach home late at 11.30pm.

there is sth i wanna say out instead of keeping it to myself.

there at the party,
dun think i looked like a fool just cos i smiled to someone that i dun like.
nothing means i smiled at someone that i dun like cos they were my guests.

i dun give a damn abt it!
i am serious!

only way i haf done is to smile cos i dun wanna spoil the party, ppl’s moods and the atmosphere.
furthermore i also am organizing that party wif joe eng.
so that is my responsibility.
there is no way for me to give someone a shit look.
oh god why?!

is that i changed bit by bit???
or i simply let the past bygone by bygone???

and also some more that i dun like ppl who JUST CARED ABT FOOD!
they came for the sake of food…
and they too came late for food, not playing together through the games!
those were some of DUMB ppl!

NEVER spare the thought of the purpose for coming to CNY party is to ENJOY the moment wif their old friends and SHARE the joy!

i dun like to see some ppl writing on the feedbacks…

“that food is important”…
“that the games are boring”…

(i feel that they dun like fun and they JUST sat and watched and finally commented that the games were boring!
who the hell they were for not joining and supporting their own teams or not participating MORE?!
look like as if they hid into one corner.)

i felt i dun do a good job enough!
feel like i blame myself leh!

some ppl were unhappy cos they felt that we treated them no good enough
like they joined the groups that were strangers to them and they preferred to join together wif their old friends.

the purpose for joe eng and I had done for them was to separate them frm their old friends and mix wif other new friends.
so they should noe that we wanted them to get along and too together as teams!!!!!

look like my first time organization for CNY party is a failure.
how disappointing!
i am disappointed wif myself, not guests lar.
oh god…