Wednesday, April 15, 2009

UNEXPECTED DAY today!!!!!!
tis morning, i went to rp main gate to meet other IT ppl for RP Orientation Programme.
so that time...
i was surprised
when a guy gave me a big chocolate egg.
and there he said to me softly, "happy bday!"

he was like walking so quiet and approached me...
i saw his eyes looking around to make sure no one notice him giving it to me.

i was like "!!!!!!"

and thought to myself, "how come he knows that today is my bday???? i never told anyone in RP and also never tell anyone who was in the same course as me!"

only my HI friends and too SAC friends KNOW!

but anyway, i am glad!

i noe i talked too much and "sh*w *ff".
i just feel like to say it out lar.


that guy was the leader of group 7 which i was in.

he was the one
who was in charge of looking after and taking care of my team during my CYPHER CAMP on 13 to 14 apr.

in fact,
i admire him cos he is good and nice person.
***not i love him, ok!!!!***

but i dun like his habit- smoking...
ya...i cant misjudge him for being bad person just cos he is smoking.

well, today was not bad
but i needed to get used to it and too the surrounding...
and need time to make new friends.
especially for those who go poly- jiayi, beile and my friends, hmm!

13 to 14 apr CAMP
not bad and it was fun!
BUT very tired liao!
play indoor activities till 2am on 13 apr
and then got up at 6am on 14 apr
and then play outdoor activities...
i felt soooo tired especially the floor and air-con!
so HARD and so COLD!!!!
i really cant sleep for the whole night.
and my face and body were VERY PAINFUL frm sunburn!
hmm, alr!
gtg sleep early tonight.
very tired rite now...
love u guys for sms saying happy bday to me!!!
my dear SAC friends and HI friends and too my FAMILY!