Friday, July 10, 2009

God, help me!
what can i do and what should i do?

i dunno whether i made the rite choice.
i was stressed recently and
NOW i am getting more pressure tat i cant take it anymore.
i was down... DOWN, DROWNING into the depth of HELL!

hey u, u r the only one who know abt my suffocated life just now...
u say is correct that i haf no confident.
yes, it is true.

but i think there is sth amiss.
because i cant do it in sort of too fast and some more i cant be like beile when comes to r***********....
that kind of outcome which gives u and ivy's sort of "bad" impression abt it.
u get wat i mean.

yet u tell me, " try luh", then "F*** u" and in the end "i dun wanna talk to u anymore".

tis really hurt me rite this and that!
furthermore u dun say sth to comfort me, yea???

well, haiz!
nah, not ur fault or him.
sorry for trouble ya alrite.
i think i should respect my choice.
if wrong, my fault...
or other way, maybe i am coward for running away without trying it out.
i dunno.. dunno who is CORRECT!????
me or u????

shit, i am alr in a state of confusion !
perhaps, i was like no good enough compared to other outspoken and strong gals like u or ivy or so whoever.
who plan this?!
i am freaking tired of it!