Thursday, July 16, 2009

hilo, peeps!

i am getting stress lately...
but do not worry tat i wont GIVE UP, alrite!

of course i am thinking sth negative when i am down or stressed.
it only will last for a while till i am back to start thinking sth positive.

know me well, i am a sort of a person who is NOT "DIE HARD"!
haha :)

ah, sorry dr. keng...
u r kinda of disappointed wif me.
ya, i babbled to release my frustration.

nah, wat the hell am i doing wif my blog in school in the early morning...
boring, isn't it?
nth is fun...

[everyday studying is so boring and too busy... haiz, i need to endure wif it!]

miss all my dear friends...
wanna haf fun wif u all!

anyway, later i am GONNA shopping wif hau en today after sch
today is my last UT2 test!
kill my boredom rite away!